Football! Football! Football!

7:09 AM

This weekend was nothing but football and you know what, I loved it! I haven't always been the biggest fan of football only because I didn't understand it. When you grow up in a small town with no football team, there's no such thing as Friday Night Lights. BUT when you're married to a sports obsessed man who does sports for a living you can only imagine what my life is like.

Since I'm from the midwest, SEC football is brand new to me and let me just say, it did not disappoint! We managed to find a tailgate spot to set up our tent and we were set! We were lucky enough to score some tickets right on the 50 yard line (pretty perfect for our very first game in Death Valley), with a hot dog in hand I was ready to cheer on the Tigers.

Thankfully I've seen the movies to know that SEC football games are basically a big fashion show. I scored this cute ruffled dress from a cute boutique in town and loved it! This weekend though I'm choosing comfort over cute.

Sunday, Drew had some coworkers over to watch the Chicago Bears game and I frantically ran around all morning trying to gather stuff to cook. I hate hosting people over without having some sort of snack/drink to offer them. 1 crazy Sunday morning trip to Target later and I was all set to make some bacon wrapped little smokies & queso, of course with a bloody mary in hand.

If I'm being completely 100% honest, football used to annoy me but as I've gotten older and I've been exposed to it I'm kind of falling in love with it.

Cheers to college & NFL football season finally being here & GEAUX TIGERS!

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  1. Hahahaha, so funny that you mentioned the fashion at SEC football games. I never really thought anything of it until a few people commented and emailed about my Georgia game post a couple of weeks ago. They were asking why I wore a dress to the game and if girls always wear dresses to the games and stuff. I had just assumed that girls did that for college football games everywhere, but I guess it only happens in the good ol' south!

  2. Oh queso and football just go together! Yum! Sounds like you had a great time at the game and then watching over the weekend!


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