Christmas + Cake Balls : Weekend Roundup

5:50 AM

This weekend was all about closet clean out, which I decided to do randomly on Saturday. Every 6 months I get this itch to go through all of my clothes and decide what to keep, donate and sell. I also figured it was time to do it because Drew rolled his eyes at me when I bought some new clothes at Kohl's that morning. I don't feel the need to defend or justify myself when buying clothes but they were seriously on sale! I scored 2 great dresses for work and a pair of shorts all for $50 and had $150.00 in savings - I'm calling that a win.

So while everyone in my household was napping I spent my afternoon reorganizing all of my dresser drawers and my closet and purged a ton of stuff. I decided it was time to part ways with a lot of dresses I know I will never wear again, shirts and those skinny jeans from high school. sigh

While going through my closet I came across a bag of holiday wear that was my Grandma's. My Grandma was the QUEEN of festive Christmas shirts and sweaters. This past Christmas was the first Christmas without her and unfortunately I missed it as well so you can imagine my excitement and gratitude when I finally made it home and my Mom gave me some of her sweaters. Is it too early to be wishing for it to be Christmas?

Surprisingly we were pretty active on Sunday, in the morning I should say.  Thanks to two little boys who are programmed to get up at 6:30 a.m. every day there's not much sleeping in done in our household so since we are up, we get things done. We decided we needed to go to Costco and grab a few things. I was planning on making chicken and noodles for dinner and we knew their rotisserie chicken would be ready to go and I'm also obsessed with their salmon variety pack. Speaking of salmon, we went to one of our favorite spots to get sushi for brunch. Any place who does all you can eat sushi is a win in my book.

After eating my weight in sushi it was time to head home and take a nap. I made chicken and noodles for dinner, recipe will be up this week, and ended the night with a sweet treat.

Salted caramel cake ball, I wanted to eat all of them!

Have a great week friends!

I linked up today with Meghan @ Champagne & Suburbs

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